Survey: Databases and UX Top 2020 Priority List For B2B Media

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Revenue growth and diversification in the digital realm is the major focus for media companies as they move into 2020, with publishers prioritizing a wide range of initiatives, according to a new survey on B2B digital strategies.

The broad spectrum of activities suggests not so much a scattershot approach, but more building out a broad portfolio of products that surround readers. Predictably, video and podcasts are among the 2020 priorities, but so are personalization and UX, and basic blocking-and-tackling functions like website redesigns, and ebooks and enewsletters.

Twice as many respondents indicated that database enhancements—everything from lead-generation to customized content—are the top first priority.

In the survey, 53 publishers were contacted via personal email outreach during January and early February 2020. After an initial email, there were three follow-up reminders sent to all publishers. Ultimately, 15 senior executives participated, yielding a very strong response rate of 28.3%. The survey was sponsored by the digital-edition solutions provider The company is seeking to ensure that its publisher-centric publication deliverable is compatible with publishers’ top digital strategies for 2020, as companies move away from print-replica flip-edition platforms.

The survey focused primarily on plans to innovate, plus aspects of the respondents’ current digital lineups. There were three open-ended questions.

  • What are your plans for their digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?
  • What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.
  • What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine? 

The findings proved to be remarkably diverse. For example, responses to the first question—on priorities for innovation—focused on a wide range of initiatives. Eight said they are focused on data and personalized experiences for readers and advertisers. Four mentioned video, with the three indicating they’re focusing on podcasts.

Not a single respondent, however, indicated that digital growth is not a (the) major priority for their media companies. All the respondents outlined ambitious strategies for product and revenue growth.

But database-focused initiatives turned out to be the focus for more than half of the respondents. “We will look to enhancing our custom programs and lead-gen opportunities and also further enhance our banner targeting abilities on our owned and operated sites,” wrote one.

“We continue to leverage our unified databases by creating solutions that utilize both our Omeda and Blueconic platforms,” said another. “Bringing together ABM, behavioral, and demographic marketing will enable us to provide extreme targeting capabilities.”

Said a third, “The biggest priority is data, and moving towards a “one-customer” view across our websites, newsletters and publications.”

All respondents provided their perspectives on the basis of confidentiality.

The focus on data extended well into user experience as well. “Our innovation plans are around personalization of digital experiences based on the user’s profile,” said yet another respondent.

“Top three priorities: Redesigned website that better facilitates visual elements; recommendation engine with custom recommendations per user (when logged in); improved login process—need to make logging in easier for users,” said another.

Also, from a different respondent: “We are striving to increase our use of industry data from sister businesses to deliver more desirable and unique content to our audiences.”

Current Product Lineups

On the second question, concerning their current product lineups, most of our respondents answered briefly—in effect, they stated they have all of the above, plus other products—with podcasts either a staple or a priority for this year.

Interestingly, several respondents said they don’t have an app. Most of the focus is on websites plus distributed products like ebooks. They also for the most part indicated that their digital editions are for cost savings or reader convenience, a fact we’ve known from other feedback.

The survey indicated a disconnect in the definition of the “digital edition” product. All but one of the respondents said they have a digital edition, but many of them view it as a vestigial replica product. Ten respondents said they use it as a cost-saving alternative to print to increase advertising and audience reach. Six offer digital editions to provide reader with a choice. Two use it as a subscription development tool, and several said they’re currently in the market for a new solution.

Verbatim Responses

Here are the responses, shown in alphabetical order.

Chief Marketing Officer and Division President

Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: We continue to leverage our unified databases by creating solutions that utilize both our Omeda and Blueconic platforms. Bringing together ABM, behavioral, and demographic marketing will enable us to provide extreme targeting capabilities. We are reviewing our digital pricing to ensure our profitability while maintaining a competitive position in the marketplace. We are moving to automated reporting processes for our digital campaigns.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: Yes, our lineup includes all the products mentioned above. We continue to use video within these vehicles as well as package in social media offerings. Sponsored content has been integrated within these offerings.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: Digital editions enable us to have a multi-prong strategy. It enables us to reduce our manufacturing costs while also providing content that can easily be read by our mobile audience.

Company President

Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: Launching new digital playbooks, more podcasts for our various brands, and investigating new digital edition providers. Priority is Playbooks.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: Web sites, e-newsletters, e-blasts, podcasts, digital editions, audience network products (including Facebook, targeted e-mails and web sites), and webinars.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: Just to have one to send to subscribers outside of USA and to use to send to advertisers prior to them receiving the print edition (if they are featured in the magazine). We actually are talking with Vertiqul as a potential solution for our digital editions.

Chief Revenue Officer

Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: Since we are a digital-only publisher, we will continue to launch new content channels that align and expand on our core audience segment. We will look to enhancing our custom programs and lead-gen opportunities and also further enhance our banner targeting abilities on our owned and operated sites.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: All of the above except an app. Podcasts are new to use this year and something we are starting to scale. There is no “digital edition” since we are digital only. We are expanding on some long-form content that drives deeper engagement and building out our digital custom solutions through anchoring microsites to content channels and developing custom newsletters where it makes sense.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: N/A

Senior Vice President, Digital

Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: We will be building out a much stronger video strategy, around subscription products, livestreaming and corporate services. We’ll also be pushing forward on a data initiative, having the full depth and scope of our audience behavior and needs.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: Websites, podcasts, webcasts, multiple apps, digital editions and PDF subscriptions, video subscription product, livestreaming to digital events and more.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: Getting more readers to realize that there is a significant value to having the digital edition, as well as providing enhanced value.

Vice President of Marketing and Audience Development

Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: The biggest priority is data, and moving towards a “one-customer” view across our websites, newsletters and publications. In addition, making sure that our websites are updated and continue to provide users with the best possible experience both on the design side and content side

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: All of our brands deliver content through websites, enewsletters, webinars, podcasts and digital editions.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: For two of the magazines, we deliver a portion of our audited circulation through digital editions. We then send the digital edition out to our entire newsletter database as a subscription-generation effort.


Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: Our main priority is expanding our marketing services products including custom content, e-books, lead gen programs, and webinars. We are trying to roll out best practices from some of the properties we acquired last year across the whole portfolio.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: Website, E-Newsletters, webinars, digital edition, e-books, white papers.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: Mostly to expand circulation overseas and to provide an easy way for advertisers to see their print ads.

Managing Director

Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: Top three priorities: Redesigned website that better facilitates visual elements; recommendation engine with custom recommendations per user (when logged in); improved login process – need to make logging in easier for users.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: Website, email newsletters, webcasts, videos, PDF of print newsletter, iPhone and Android apps.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: Convenience for the user.


Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: First priority is to re-energize the growth of our current core digital offerings which leveled off in 2019 (Website commercial revenue, e-newsletters, webinars, podcasts + custom digital projects). Growth targets are launching more audience driven web revenue (communities, membership), new digital products/services for sub-sets of our core markets + expansion of our video platform.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: All of the above. Our custom digital business is also part of our digital portfolio.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: Depends on the market. Generally to expand the depth of market penetration for U.S. properties + offer commercial clients another digital pathway to market.  Intl properties is also to expand geo reach at lower costs than distributed print copies.


Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: I expect digital to grow by low single digits. The biggest area of growth for us within digital will be custom content. We aren’t focused on trying to innovate in digital-product solutions, but rather are focused on our content creation for digital and making it best-in-breed. Our focus is going to be on journalism above everything else. This is becoming the differentiator, especially as we move more towards a subscription model.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: All of the above. Digital edition is not a replica but separate.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: Honestly, it’s legacy—there’s a core audience that really likes it and they are valuable, but as a growth engine it isn’t relevant.


Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: We are currently overhauling our website entirely to focus on a guide system that is designed to be a comprehensive listing for any type of health-related resource.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc?

A: Our line-up will include website, digital edition (not a flip issue, but more of a story-by-story focus), e-newsletters applying to different interests, and social media.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: Currently, the digital edition is nothing more than a replica of the print magazine. Further expanding on this tool is slated for 4th quarter 2020.


Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: We are relaunching all of our sites with new tech stacks in Q1.  We are also building out a new digital video and podcast studio and will be launching several new instructional and edutainment videos and a podcast network…video will be our focus to achieve growth.   

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: Our digital platforms are website, newsletters, digital editions, downloadable video classes, live streaming video, virtual events and podcasts.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: To make it available for all audiences and bundle into membership offerings, but most of our digital growth will come from other digital initiatives. 


I did not fill out the survey because the subject matter is not that important to our organization any longer, and we don’t think much about some of these topics. Apologies.

Editorial Director

Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: We are increasing our line of ebooks and seeking to differentiate our monthly digital digest emagazines from our more focused ebooks. We are also increasing our podcast series so we can actively market them on podcast apps, and we are planning to broaden the types of videos we produce. We are also striving to increase our use of industry data from sister businesses to deliver more desirable and unique content to our audiences. Our priorities are to increase audience while at the same time improving our open and, especially, our clickthrough rates.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: We are all-digital, with a series of enewsletters (both daily news and weekly to monthly specialty newsletters), monthly digital digest emagazines, podcasts, videos, webinars and ebooks.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: We only print two editions a year, so the digital version is our main version. But as it relates to our other products, the main objectives are threefold: The eblast we send out each month for the digital edition gets phenomenal open and clickthrough rates, it’s a means to package our more in-depth content each month, and it offers a different alternative than our other products for our audience, in that it’s designed to be a quick monthly update on a variety of important topics (vs. reading in depth on one topic or catching up on news).

Editorial Director

Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year? How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: We (like the rest of the media world) are launching podcasts for each of the brands. We’ve had enormous success with our (unmonetized) Twitterchats. We’ve started monetizing them this year in parallel to the unmonetized ones; we did see some engagement falloff and will be monitoring whether that’s a result of topic or our run is nearing its end.

One of our acquisitions this past year has more advanced SEO operations, and this year we’ll adopt the ones that make sense. And we need to focus more on video. We’ve produced some award-winning videos, but it’s been more opportunistic than strategic. Likewise, we’re very successful on Twitter and Facebook, but need to pay some more attention to our Instagram account.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: All of the above except an app, plus social media. We use Texterity for our (replica) digital edition.

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: Combo of giving readers a choice of how they like to get their information, and of course it’s a cost savings when they do like to take it that way. The replica concept certainly makes it easy on the edit and production staff.


Q: What are your plans for your digital deliverable(s) this year?

A: For our media properties: In addition to our email newsletter and digital edition, we are expanding online continuing education course offerings and adding web-exclusive content types that are more interactive.

Q: How will you innovate and what are your priorities?

A: For our media brand: Our innovation plans are around personalization of digital experiences based on the user’s profile. For our point of care: Expanding further into the workflow of our audience members.

Q: What does your digital product lineup include? (Website, enewsletter, podcasts, webcasts, app, digital-edition (replica or otherwise), etc.

A: All of these, plus online continuing education and a subscription point of care products (workflow tools).

Q: What is the primary objective of your digital version of your print magazine?

A: It offers audience members who don’t qualify for free print or preferred digital to receive issue-based content for our journal. We do not believe issue-based digital versions of print magazines reflect the way people engage with digital content and are more of a holdover from print circ days than an audience need.