Faced with a global pandemic and an economic shutdown, many media companies have
suffered year-over-year revenue declines. But the surprising story here, according to an exclusive new research report, is that some of these companies are growing. In this report you’ll hear how they’re doing it.
In a series of in-depth interviews, 25 executives, all C-suite and all but two of them CEOs, were by turns circumspect and realistic, and in the end both opportunistic and optimistic. All are growth oriented. All are innovating with new business lines and new served markets. From digital products to virtual events, from research and data to lead generation and subscription boxes (gift packages that come along with a print magazine subscription or a membership) there’s a lot going on.
The CEO interviews were part of a study conducted by the mid-market M&A advisory firm Media Advisory Partners and the content-services firm Long Hill Media. MAP, in collaboration with LHM, created a strategic picture of the media market as 2020 draws to a close. The two firms produced a contextual framework for media executives as they pursue their business plans in the next 18 months, and provide insights into the M&A market for the months ahead.
Here are the full results. MAPLHMresearch final 122120